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閱讀文章 - 《真心修辦 逢凶化吉》尼泊爾道務中心 皓德佛堂 懷仁講師躲劫難

《真心修辦 逢凶化吉》尼泊爾道務中心 皓德佛堂 懷仁講師躲劫難

[日期:2024-08-17]   閱讀:
捨身辦道 開荒助道
My name is Niroj Thapa from Hao-De Temple, Nepal. My Chinese name is Huai-ren. I work part-time at EVENT, a clothes model company, but my primary job is working for Tao pioneering and I devote myself wholeheartedly to Tao propagation. Recently because Hao-De Nepal is going to buy a larger temple, the money we need to buy it is insufficient. I am pretty worried about the large amount of money left to be paid within two weeks.
On the morning of July 24, the boss of the model company gave me a call suddenly. He wanted me to be the modeling judge to Pokhara, a three-day job opportunity, 25,000 rupees per day. I was very surprised since it was 5,000 rupees per day before. I do not know why the pay is so high this time.
機會抉擇 捨利助幫
However, there are also two-day Tao Seminar in Zheng-He Academy on July 24-25 and I am arranged a Tao Seminar topic by the Guru’s mercy. I explained to EVENT that I can only work for the first day and that I will give up the last two-day work opportunity. Besides, I ask the boss to buy a round-trip ticket on July 24, 2024. Although it is true that I really want to get the work opportunity with 25,000 rupees per day to help purchase the temple, on the other hand, I do not want to lose the opportunity of helping Ji-Gong Living Buddha save more sentient beings in the Tao Seminar. 
天候影響 前後啟程
EVENT模特爾公司經理,原本幫後學訂2024.07.24早上9:00 Saurya Air航班(出事航班),但因這是工程師專機,所以,就重新再安排搭乘另一家航空公司的下一班航班。因為波卡拉下豪雨,班機延誤,結果Saurya Air的航班跟後學的航班變成同時前後起飛。
The manager in the model company, EVENT, originally helped me reserve a seat (Saurya Air, the plane that crashed) on 9:00 am, July 24, 2024. Nevertheless, the plane was a special plane for Saurya Air engineers. Consequently, I was rearranged to take another flight from another Airlines. Due to the heavy rain in Pokhara on July 24, 2024, the plane was delayed. Coincidently, the plane of Saurya Air I was originally going to take took off just before my plane that I was rearranged.
起飛前,後學的班機緊接在Saurya Air航班後面。在機艙內,後學莫名地一直掉眼淚,內心很感恩想到這一生修辦的點點滴滴,曾經幫助過後學的無數點傳師及前賢們的影像。
Before the take-off of my plane, my plane was traveling right after the plane of Saurya Air. In the cabin, I shed tears continuously without any reasons. From the bottom of my heart, I gratefully thought about the images of all the uncountable Tao Transmitting Masters and seniors on the way of my Tao cultivation and propagation.
御守平安 感恩震驚
In my both hands, I held tightly the amulet with the holy image of Never-Resting Bodhisattva given by Lec. Lu from Xing-De Temple, Macau. This amulet was just given by her on July 23, 2024, one day before the air crash. Since she saw me come to and fro between Zheng-Ho Academy and Xing-De Temple, Nepal, giving so many classes, I was given this amulet as a reward for such hard work.
當後學在機艙內緊緊握住不休息菩薩聖像御守,想到不休息菩薩慈悲喜捨的一生,內心萬分感動,覺得自己一生何其有幸能在崇德道場學修講辦行,有活佛老師的天命當靠山,突然,Saurya Air 在起飛兩秒之後,瞬間墜地起火燃燒,然後聽到爆炸巨大聲響,後學親眼目睹飛機上所有乘客都罹難,剎那間,深深感受悲痛萬分、內心百感交集。
When I was in the cabin tightly holding the amulet with the holy image of Never-Resting Bodhisattva and thinking about Never-Resting Bodhisattva’s whole life full of mercy, compassion, joy and giving, I felt extremely touched from the bottom of my heart how fortunately I am able to learn about Tao, cultivate Tao, lecture about Tao, propagate Tao and practice Tao in our Chong-De Tao community. Additionally, Ji-Gong Living Buddha’s Heaven Decree is what we can depend on. Then, the plane of Saurya Air right before me took off and in two seconds it crashed into the ground and with a loud explosion and a big fire. After I witnessed all of these, all of a sudden, I was limp and weak, astonished, extremely sorrowful, full of all kinds of emotions in my mind.
銘感天恩 至誠無息
若是後學是搭當初訂的這班Saurya Air班機,若不是老師的天命,後學現在命就沒了,想到這裡,非常感謝天恩師德,感謝老前人白水聖帝大德,感謝前人不休息菩薩聖德護佑撥轉。想到這裡,眼淚一直狂流不止,也想起2018 年波卡拉壇主班,活佛老師對後學慈悲說的話:「每一分際遇都是上天最好的安排,只要徒兒明天意,與師心連心,只有一心,只有真心,別有他法,師必助你徒兒。可知為師費了多少功夫在徒身邊,助徒一關一關闖過?」
“What if I took the plane that I was originally going to take, without our Holy Teacher’s heavenly decree, now my life would come to an end,”I thought to myself. When I thought about this, I truly thank the Grace of Heaven and the great virtues of our two Holy Teachers, Ji-Gong Living Buddha and Yue-Hui Bodhisattva. I thank the Great Virtue of our Grand Senior Elder, Bai-Shui-Sheng-Di and our Senior Elder, Never-Resting Bodhisattva to protect me and help change my fate. My tears start to drop uncontrollably. Then I also thought about the merciful words given by our beloved Holy Teacher, Ji-Gong Living Buddha directly to me in 2018 Temple Host and Hostess Class in Pokhara, “Every situation is best arranged by Heaven. Only my disciple understands about the wish of Heaven, your heart connects with my heart, with only one mind, with only your true heart, no other way, Holy Teacher will definitely help you, my disciple. Do you know how many efforts Holy Teacher has given to you to help my disciple pass one trial after another?”
My birthday was on July 24 and I am 29 years old now. Before this disaster, Ji-Gong Living Buddha, our beloved Holy Teacher, has saved me endless times. The Grace of Heaven and the Great Virtues of our two Holy Teachers are so immense that I am unable to pay in return. From now on, I will work much more diligently to accumulate merits and virtues and fulfill my vows, to be a Tao pioneer everywhere and to propagate Tao, so as to repay the Grace of Heaven and the Great Virtues of our two Holy Teachers, Ji-Gong Living Buddha and Yue-Hui Bodhisattva. 